
Is it OK to mix mantras? Do we risk cultural appropriation or misuse of mantra?

For chant leaders and mantra recording artists, the question of mixing mantras for chanting is one that has intrigued many, prompting inquiries about the permissibility of blending deities and languages in spiritual practice. For some, the idea of combining "oṁ namaḥ śivāya" with "wahe guru" in a single chant may feel intuitively right, but is it ethically sound? Let's delve into this complex topic, which I also cover in depth in my sound and mantra teacher training course.

Q. (From a graduate of our 500hr Sound & Mantra Training course who teaches mantra...

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10 Educational Standards to Look For in Sound Healing & Mantra Trainings

Are you seeking sound healing training to enhance your practice or professional repertoire? Yay! There are hundreds of sound healing courses available, but not all are created equal!

(If you cringe when someone attends a weekend workshop and then calls themselves a certified sound healer, then the following month they have their own training certification course... this article is for you!)

Here are 10 things to look for in a sound and mantra training!

We've been to LOTS of them, and have addressed some of the common pitfalls and icks that sound healers and mantra...

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A Visionary Way Forward for Abuse & Sexual Harassment Claims

Aren't we all so very tired of hearing about the latest guru gone down? The latest abuse or sex scandal in spiritual communities? As an act towards peace, I seek to present a visionary way forward:

How a Leader & Community Can Handle Claims of Abuse & Sexual Harassment

NOTE: This post goes with the Code of Conduct for Spiritual and Yoga Festivals, which I was inspired to develop as a contribution to the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh. (A team of Heart of Sound volunteers runs the Sacred Sound Stage which I started in 2017.) It takes up where the...

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