
Mantra saved my life: Suicide prevention sound therapy

The only reason I travel!

Outside of Frankfurt today someone threw themselves in front of a train.
So I’m an hour late to my destination.

Or a decade late, if we might have had a chance to help them feel connection, hope, empowerment, and that warm feeling of okay-ness that spreads from within… when the mantra sounds are tuned in to listening sensory pleasure and the voice vibration is massaging the heart.

Travelling is tiring and can be overwhelming. There’s nothing in the world I really want to see, no food I really want to taste.
But people, I want...

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MUST READ: A Narrative for Realistic Utopia in "The Ministry for the Future"

I am mostly thoroughly uninspired by most futuristic science fiction. But this book has been A GAME CHANGER and has given me a hopeful (but realistic) narrative to cling to as we head face-first into one climate-change caused disaster after another. Given last week's hurricane winds causing fires on lush tropical Māui, this week's historic hurricane causing flooding in the desert... It's hard to take it all in and not feel hopeless and overwhelmed about the decades ahead.

Exercising Agency for our Mental Health: Masterminding Our Narratives

Rather than lean outwards...

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