
What's the difference between a Mantra and an Affirmation?

I can't tell you how many people have asked, "What's the difference between a Mantra and an Affirmation?" It's such a great question, since the terms Mantra and Affirmation commonly get used synonomously when in fact they're distinct.

The word "mantra" has been appropriated for different usages. For instance, saying "I can do it" or "I'm good enough, I'm okay just as I am" are affirmations. These affirmations, when repeated, have a mantra-like effect as they help protect you from negative thinking or self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors.

However, the uniqueness of...

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What defines "Sacred Sound"? What's the best way to start?

The other day I got this question What defines "Sacred Sound"? in an interview and I LOVE IT.
For me, there is no sacred sound unless there is a connection to the spacious awareness of listening. To achieve this, one must have a sense of presence, awareness, and self-connection. The wonder and curiosity of deep listening, central to the practice of nada yoga, are essential to reaching this state.

When asked about the best way to start or the most powerful approach, I believe cultivating listening is something anyone can do.

Listening awareness is Sacred...

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Sound Yoga Therapy: Interview with Anandra

Recently I had the pleasure of doing a video interview with Daniel Aaron from The Art of Vibrant Living, and we got into some wonderful topics.

Sound and Mantra Therapy Conversation Topics:

  • Sound yoga therapy and nervous system self-regulation
  • Sound and music as a path of self-expression vs. sound as self-inquiry
  • Defining the interoceptive approach to sound yoga therapy, mantra therapy
  • What's the most interesting, powerful, effective way of using sound or being with sound for transformation...
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A mantra and nada yoga chant retreat on Kaua'i is for you if…

Calling all chant lovers!

We’re gathering on Kaua’i, my home island of 27 years, to retreat into the Heart of Sound.

This retreat is for you if:

you feel like you’ve lost touch with what it feels like to be perfectly tuned and in a good rhythmic flow

you want to reconnect with your love of sound, music, mantra and singing for your pleasure (not for anyone else)

there’s a dissonant gap between your potential and the life you’re living, and you want to bring it into harmony

you crave a space and time for yourself to listen deeply to your...

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Is it OM or AUM? Which is correct?

In my Sanskrit mantra workshops and sound healing yoga training courses  around the world, one of the most common questions I hear is about the timeless mantra OM. It can be written in different ways, and there is a lot confusion about it, because different teachers like to share what has worked well for them, but they might not know the experience of others.

Especially with a mantra like OM, it’s important to understand different perspectives and open ourselves up to the direct magical experience of the sound, rather than get limited by dogmatic ideas.


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10 Key Features that Define a Revolutionary Sound & Mantra Training

Not all sound healing and mantra trainings are alike! There's something for everyone in ALL of the bhakti yoga trainings, kirtan leadership courses, mantra teacher trainings, etc. but since this is our 10 year anniversary of creating the world's first and only 200HR yoga teacher training school focused entirely on the transformative power of sound, we're celebrating!

Here are 10 key features that make our Advanced Sound Training Course a one-of-a-kind, visionary evolution:

Reverent and Devotional:
We go beyond trends, offering a reverent and devotional...

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40-Day Flow State Mantra Immersion: Spark and SUSTAIN Abundance in ALL Forms


Flow State: Spark and Sustain Abundance in ALL Forms

Picture the mesmerizing dance of sunlight on water—endless delight that captures the essence of harmony and synchrony. Now, envision your inner state aligning with this delightful shimmering. Our abundance mantra immersion seeks to guide you towards achieving this harmonious balance within.

We invite you to join a transformative journey filled with Abundance mantras, sound healing medicine, sunlight-drenched reflections, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals. This blog post is your...

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