
Dark Chocolate Brownie Recipe for Singer's Vocal Health


Melt in your mouth fudgy brownies that are dairy-free, sugar-free (almost) & gluten -free & oil-free!

If you know me, you know I love to bake!
I am mostly plant-based, gluten free, and I don’t like to eat very much sugar or dairy because I try to keep inflammation down. (I feel better when I don't and my voice is MUCH clearer and more resonant to practice nāda yoga with!) My boyfriend should avoid saturated fats (for heart health), and I like to bake…
So my latest experiment has blown my mind with how “more-ish” it is (my favorite...

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Healthy Airplane + Voice Care Travel Hacks

My healthy airplane travel / travel voice care routine includes: 

  • Wearing a mask at all times on the flight not only keeps viruses and germs away, it keeps the air I breathe more moist. Great for immunity + vocal care!
  • A drop of Thieves (or Doterra OnGuard) oil inside the mask and under my nostrils
  • A drop of sesame oil or ghee inside each nostril periodically throughout the flight, whenever my nose gets dry
  • Drinking LOTS OF WATER with EmergenC (500 ml for every hour in the air, ideally)
  • Walking around the airplane and stretching regulary. (I book an aisle...
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