
A mantra and nada yoga chant retreat on Kaua'i is for you if…

Calling all chant lovers!

We’re gathering on Kaua’i, my home island of 27 years, to retreat into the Heart of Sound.

This retreat is for you if:

you feel like you’ve lost touch with what it feels like to be perfectly tuned and in a good rhythmic flow

you want to reconnect with your love of sound, music, mantra and singing for your pleasure (not for anyone else)

there’s a dissonant gap between your potential and the life you’re living, and you want to bring it into harmony

you crave a space and time for yourself to listen deeply to your...

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The more you know, the more you know you don’t know…


The more you know, the more you know you don’t know… 

Is there any realm in which this is not true?


The longer you know someone, the more you realize that you have no idea what is really going on for them deep inside. They hold multitudes of mysteries, complex trauma, perceptual, differences, patterns, and habits built on foundations that you can never understand fully, because you have not lived at yourself.


Are used to think that learning how to chant, more mantras, sing more songs, do more complex, and longer chance meant that I...

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Free Mantra Chant Leader Training

Anyone else feeling the need to amp up the peace channel?

🙌🏽 🙌🏽 🙌🏽

Mantras for Peace chant events are an amazing way to bring community together and focus our hearts and voices on peace.

Calling all mantra lovers and aspiring CHANT LEADERS!

We'd love to support YOU to lead a chant circle in your area. And our free Host Your Own Chant Event mini-training has a full kit to support you to offer a peace mantra chant event in your community (in person or online):

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