
Sound Healing for Anxiety & Depression

Experiencing anxiety and depression can be overwhelming and disabling. I should know! I might seem "spiritual" or whatever, but my nervous system gets tugged in both directions too.

I've been using sound and mantra to self-regulate my nervous system and give my mind something uplifting to chew on for decades now. Whenever Life gets intense, I lean in on my sound-based yoga practices and feel SO. MUCH. BETTER. And I'm not alone...

"I had such a high anxiety week, and NOTHING I tried brought it down, until I chanted with you. The yoga of sound is indispensable...I am...

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Cultivating a Musical Response to Divisiveness and Existential Fear

Cultivating a musical response to the symphony of dissonant notes screaming for attention in our world right now is not a distant, poetic idea. It’s a tangible, practical skill. Uncomfortable, yes. Difficult, yes. Full of the mess of aliveness, yes. A swift and tidy spiritual bypass would be much easier. But leaning in to listen deeply, to feel what’s truly alive in us, can also make this moment resonant with hope and possibility.

Have you been tempted to write off someone in your life who has (or hasn’t) adopted a particular conspiracy narrative...

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Tantra and Sound

Tantra as we practice it in the Heart of Sound community can be summed up like this:
Total Embrace of Life

The penetrating vibrations of sound-based practices help us uncover our hidden patterning that has kept us locked in a dualistic fight with life. If we have subscribed to the very common cultural beliefs that heaven is separate from earth, or that spirit is superior to the body, opening ourselves up to an all-embracing Tantrik view can be radically healing and transformative.

Our approach to sound-based practice arises from a core Tantrik belief:
Life (and ALL of...

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