
10 Educational Standards to Look For in Sound Healing & Mantra Trainings

Are you seeking sound healing training to enhance your practice or professional repertoire? Yay! There are hundreds of sound healing courses available, but not all are created equal!

(If you cringe when someone attends a weekend workshop and then calls themselves a certified sound healer, then the following month they have their own training certification course... this article is for you!)

Here are 10 things to look for in a sound and mantra training!

We've been to LOTS of them, and have addressed some of the common pitfalls and icks that sound healers and mantra...

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Learn Sanskrit Mantra & Nada Yoga - A Sneak Peek into our Online Teacher Training!

Curious about what the 200-hour Online Teacher Training ACTUALLY consists of? Let Anandra take you on a tour of the actual course itself! Then book a free call to let us know what YOUR passion is, and we'll see if it's a match with our approach.

200-hour Sanskrit Mantra & Nada Yoga Online Teacher Training sneak peek into:

  • A scroll through the course content
  • Self-study map to tick boxes for sound healing / sound yoga certification
  • Highlights of the 200+ page Heart of Sound teacher training manual
  • Daily sound-based practices
  • A glorious archive of mantra...
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Sanskrit Mantra Training in Finland

Mantra lovers can now learn the Sanskrit sounds in Finnish language! Join our in-person / hybrid online format hosted by Oasis Turku.

If you use Sanskrit mantra for your personal meditation practice, or share Sanskrit mantra in your work as a:

  • mantra meditation coach
  • yoga teacher
  • nāda yoga practitioner
  • sound healer
  • kÄ«rtan musicians

You can now learn Sanskrit sounds through Finnish language! Join our in-person / hybrid online format with internationally respected mantra and nāda yoga teacher Anandra George, hosted by Oasis Turku. This Sanskrit teacher training...

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How do I find the best nada yoga school in Rishikesh India?

SO many people ask me how to learn traditional nāda yoga in India! There are a lot of confusing nada and mantra trainings out there, so I'll try to help you sort out what to look for. I went looking myself way back in 1997 and have gone down A LOT of unfruitful (even scary) roads before I found teachers I could trust, who led me on the mystical inner path of nada yoga!*

Unfortunately sexual misconduct by gurus is also all-too-common... almost every Western female who has gone to India to study nada yoga and mantra has a story (including me! several!)

So first of...

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What is the yoga of sound? Interview with Anandra


Sound is the yoga of the sages!

"What is man craving for? For ultimate peace, from God, from friends, from relatives, from world leaders, from saints and their sayings, from everything. When he ultimately finds within himself the answer to that craving, he understands the rāga"
-Pandit Amarnath (Anandra's music Guru's Guruji)

By learning the details of the yoga of sound precisely: body mechanics, voice production, Sanskrit letters, and the deep philosophical underpinnings of the yoga of sound, we can help others consistently find peace within themselves and empower...

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Why is Sanskrit Pronunciation important?

From Yearning to Fullness…

It’s a big claim, but it’s entirely possible that adjusting the way you chant could help you cross over from yearning for connection — tasting a tantalizing drop of it in your kÄ«rtan or mantra practice — to accessing the Source of Sound anytime, anywhere.

Learning precise Sanskrit is not so you can be the pronunciation police or only kid on the block who pronounces “chakra” instead of the common mispronouciation of “shakra.” (Please excuse the phonetic spelling – in the course we...

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