
Calming Trauma with Mantra Sound Bath: Nurturing Resilience after Calamity

Join Anandra and our special guest, Cameron, for a super relaxing and awesome sound-based yoga session with Bansuri Flute! We live-streamed this experience all the way from the beautiful island of Kaua'i.

Don't worry if you're new to this. Beginners are totally welcome! You can either rest and receive the soothing vibes or join in and chant along if you feel like it. We really hope you have a fantastic time during this 20-30 minute guided mantra meditation experience!

We crafted the theme for this month's FREE online event as a Mantra Sound Bath...

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MUST READ: A Narrative for Realistic Utopia in "The Ministry for the Future"

I am mostly thoroughly uninspired by most futuristic science fiction. But this book has been A GAME CHANGER and has given me a hopeful (but realistic) narrative to cling to as we head face-first into one climate-change caused disaster after another. Given last week's hurricane winds causing fires on lush tropical Māui, this week's historic hurricane causing flooding in the desert... It's hard to take it all in and not feel hopeless and overwhelmed about the decades ahead.

Exercising Agency for our Mental Health: Masterminding Our Narratives

Rather than lean outwards...

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Easy 5-minute Mantra Meditation for Disasters, Non-Religious Prayer

Why Prayer Helps During Disasters (Even if You're NOT Religious!)

  • In the sense that prayer keeps a situation close to our heart and in our thoughts, it's very useful.
  • Listening in, in a state of prayer, can help us feel connected to those affected.
  • It can inspire us to use our resources to help, in ways we hadn't thought of before we spent that time in prayer.
  • It can give us a sense of agency that we're at least doing something, when we otherwise feel helpless.

Here's a very simple 5-minute mantras for peace chanting meditation we recorded on Kaua'i a few years...

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You can't argue with crazy! Top 10 ways it gets easier to walk away from an unhealthy relationship

A personal share, for anyone who needs to hear it today:
"You can't argue with crazy."
But it does get easier to walk away with a clear conscience, as I get older and wiser!

I grew up with a completely unstable, mentally ill stepmother for a few years of my early childhood. It was deeply terrifying to me. I remember having nightmares every night, where I had to walk through a tunnel made up of woven together writhing snakes. You know those looping dreams where it seems like you're in it forever? It was that kind of nightmare. There was a light at the end of...

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