What are Grads doing now? 500-Hour Advanced Sound & Mantra Training Course

Explore the profound impact of our 500-hour sound yoga training course through the incredible journeys of our graduates. From teaching worldwide retreats to conducting groundbreaking research in sound medicine, discover how you can unlock your potential and make a lasting impact.

What Graduates of Our 200/500 Heart of Sound Teacher Training Are Doing Now:

Teaching Worldwide Retreats - Graduates are teaching mantra & nāda yoga retreats globally, and the best part? These count towards contact hours for your Sound Healing Yoga 200HR TT!

Private Sound Yoga Therapy-  Many are actively working with private sound yoga therapy clients, bringing sound healing experiences to individuals seeking personal growth.

Guest Faculty at YT- Our alumni serve as guest faculty, imparting their wisdom on Sanskrit sounds and nāda yoga at Yoga Teacher Trainings (YTTs).

The world's first and most comprehensive teacher training focused entirely on the transformative power of sound and mantra, and an entirely sound-based Yoga Alliance approved Teacher Training RYT course! Experience and learn sound healing with Sanskrit mantra, Nāda Yoga, Kīrtan, bhakti, and more.

PhD Research- Some are conducting groundbreaking PhD research on sound medicine, pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field.

Mantra Musicians- Others are touring and recording as mantra musicians, spreading the power of sound through melodic expressions.

TED Talks & Festival Lectures- Some have delivered TED talks and lecture on sound & mantra at yoga festivals, sharing their expertise on larger platforms.

"In my second year as a Senior Fellow and feel so blessed to have been invited to share some of my work this year.
I gave a Nāda Yoga workshop ... a chance for people to experience sound based meditation. It was the first time TEDsters experience intensive chanting at TED!"
-Zena el Khalil

Executive Leadership Consulting- A few are consulting for executive leadership teams, integrating the transformative power of sound into corporate settings.

Software Development- Others are at the forefront, developing cutting-edge software for empathetic voice listening, bridging technology and well-being.

Global Outreach- Many are offering sound healing & mantra meditation in prisons, elder care facilities, refugee camps, and underserved areas worldwide.

Kīrtan Leadership- Alumni lead kīrtans in homes, temples, churches, and on international yoga festival stages, creating communal experiences.

Sound Baths & Workshops- Graduates host sound baths, workshops, and in-person events, creating immersive experiences for participants.

Published Authors- Some have become published authors, sharing their healing experiences with sound through books.

Podcast Features- Many get interviewed by podcasts on sound healing & mantra, contributing to the broader discourse on well-being.

Mantras for Peace- Alumni host Mantras for Peace chant circles, fostering community and spreading positive vibrations. 

This Mantras for Peace Meditation with Cameron of eternal.heart.music is gold! Chant along with us as we collectively amplify our intentions for inner peace, global harmony, and personal well-being. (Recorded LIVE during one of our FREE Yoga of Sound experiences!)

Teaching in Japanese- Some are teaching Heart of Sound 200HR trainings in Japanese, expanding the reach of sound knowledge.

Partnership Opportunities- Graduates partner with Heart of Sound to offer in-person workshops that count for 200HR Sound Healing & CEU training contact hours.


Your NEXT Steps: 



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