Mantra Therapy for Chronic Anxiety, A Sound Bath for Pleasure and Joy

Ever wonder what it would feel like to calm your worries, anxieties, and fears using the sound of your own voice and the power of your own mind?

Whether it’s you or someone you love who struggles with chronic anxiety, it’s super helpful to remember that it changes our perceptual framework. (See PSA for Anxiety reel!)

When I figured this out, and started to get real friendly with my Vagus nerve with sound & mantra therapies, my cognitive scope widened and I no longer saw the world as out to get me.

Now it helps me remember to be compassionate when interacting with anxious folks.

I wish EVERYONE could have the simple self-care toolkit of sound & mantra that has been such a huge game changer for me (and my students / teacher trainees)
So I’ve done many free chant experiences and sound baths over the years, which are available on my youtube channel.

If you’re in the mental health profession and want to learn sound & mantra yoga therapies to teach your clients, we’ve got some amazing training options.

Resilience and renewal are possible!
Being generative rather than reactive is possible!

Join us for a free sound bath online, either on our youtube channel (below) or at an upcoming LIVE chant event!

I totally underestimated the impact the Heart of Sound teachings imparted by Anandra would have on my life. I’ve done many courses, with many great teachers, but this one feels like hitting the jackpot. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. I’m not kidding that it is a mind-blowing experience that can transform your life. - John Pierce, Accountant, Australia

Mantra Sound Bath for Pleasure & Joy ~ The Perfect Free Sound Therapy Antidote to Anxiety!

Join Anandra for a full-length sound bath online, where you'll learn to use simple nāda yoga and mantra meditation techniques. Create the ideal conditions within yourself for a breakthrough experience of sensation, aliveness, pleasure & joy in the heart of sound!

Perfect for anyone wishing to explore the transformative power of sound!

Experience the uniquely visionary sound yoga therapy techniques we teach in the HOS TT.
This is NOT your ordinary mantra meditation, kīrtan chant experience, or soft & fluffy sound healing.
It is a profound invitation into an intimate connection with your unique healing sound.
For the full experience, please plan to participate fully (not just observe) and be in a quiet private space.

Experience the Heart of Sound!

FREE sound bath & mantra meditation online

Beginners are welcome! Experience a nourishing sound-based practice with internationally respected Sanskrit mantra teacher and musician Anandra George, live-streamed from the island of Kaua'i. Rest and receive or chant along as you wish. We hope you enjoy this 20-30 minute guided mantra meditation experience!!

In this sound healing mantra experience you will:

• Connect with a global community in a sound-based practice designed to nourish, regenerate, and cultivate resilience
• Learn how to use sound and mantra to strengthen your capacity for listening, and empathy
• Experience vibrational healing frequencies so you can cultivate a more musical response to whatever is going on on your life right now
• Relax into your authentic voice and maximal vocal resonance with a vocal coaching practice.
• Taste the sweet nuance of more refined Sanskrit mantra pronunciation on your palate, and in your body.
• Have a chance to connect with Anandra and community after the chant experience.

This is for YOU if you're a:

  • Sound healer
  • Closet singer
  • Music or mantra lover
  • KÄ«rtan chant leader
  • Yoga teacher
  • Ayurvedic doctor
  • Yoga therapist
  • Holistic health practitioner
  • Music, yoga or mantra educator
  • Professional speaker, actor, or musician

By the end of our FREE sound bath / chant session we hope you’ll be reverberating with the love that pulses at the heart of sound.

Sound Healing Yoga Training Courses

Beyond this free class, if you want more in-depth training in nāda yoga and mantra, sound therapy certification, personal mentoring, and much more, join us online or on retreat in person! Most of all, we hope you’ll join our global community of chant lovers in dedicating your heart's voice to be an instrument of love and service in the world!

If you're ready for a profound home immersion and self-study program designed for your maximum empowerment, this is for you!

Live Online Classes & Practices + Hybrid Local Workshops & Study Groups!

Dive right in and experience the excitement with:

  • LIVE group practices online
  • LIVE skill sessions on ZOOM
  • LIVE 1-on-1 office hours with Anandra and teaching assistants
  • The option of doing hybrid local events, retreats, and study groups all over the world with our team of Heart of Sound teachers and 500hour graduates. 
  • And a whole lot more!

Interested? ā˜Žļø Book a FREE 30 minute Q&A call!


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