All Time Best Sound Healing Song ~ 9 Minutes of Emotional Release and Pure Peace!

If you love a daily personal sound bath, we made this healing mantra song just for you!

I've played it at the world's largest yoga festival to a sold-out class of 300 mantra chanters. It's what earned me the nickname "the crying teacher" in Japan, because people would listen to it and shed their worries and fears in the form of tears. IT'S SUCH AN HONOR to be able to use my voice as an instrument this way!

So, enjoy our all-time best sound healing frequency songs on youtube! I still cry every time I hear it, too. In a good way. šŸ˜‚

It's a healing mantra song with the mantra Om Namo Nārāyaį¹‡Äya that I recorded in Tokyo a few years back, produced by my dear friend Ayana Dake. When played as recommended, most people experience a 9-minute deep emotional release music therapy meditations. It's not really meant as background music (though you can use it that way)- it's a deep personal inner music and mantra therapy experience, if you want it.

Here's the best way to take a personal sound bath in this healing peace mantra:

[PREP] If you're listening on youtube, be sure to. Cue it up after the auto-play ad!

  1. Set it up to play it through some good speakers (or over-ear headphones).
  2. Lay down in a comfortable spot, with a small pillow lifting the back of your neck, and a larger pillow under your knees if that feels good to you.
  3. Let your legs relax starting from the hip joints and fall open in whatever way feels natural.
  4. Put one hand on your heart, and another on your belly. Or lay with both palms facing towards the sky, if you prefer.
  5. Let the healing frequencies of the music and mantra wash through you and breathe. Let yourself FEEL throughout the song.
  6. Repeat for another 9 minutes if you wish.
  7. Lay in silence for a few minutes to allow yourself to absorb into the after-sound of the mantra.
  8. Listen to any other messages your heart has for you.
  9. If you had any insights or "a-ha" moments, you may wish to make a few notes in your journal.


Thank you for allowing me and Ayana to sing to you and be a part of your sound healing therapy!

If you lead sound baths or are taking a training to lead sound baths, it's a great one to add to your healing sounds playlist! Buy it (no pesky ads!) on Ayana Dake's Apple music page.

Get a chance to meet me, chat, and hang out with the community at our monthly LIVE FREE Sound Baths & Sound Healing Yoga Chant Experiences!

More to come... Stay tuned! (Pun intended šŸ¤£)

PS. Don't miss the next chance to join us for Sound Baths Online LIVE on Zoom or in person in India or Kaua'i by subscribing!


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